this will go down
as the summer
of my food journey
a 5-day vegan cleanse back in june
has triggered a renewed interest
in how i fuel my active self
blueberries w/whipped cashew topping
Sunday, July 31, 2011
jour 189::365
jour 188::365
how do you salvage a shot
that is virtually un-salvageable?
you don't.
you just accept that somedays will be out of focus
and remember how scrumptious the gazpacho was!
jour 187::365
these are a few of my favourite blings...
yet another
jour 184::365
a local restaurant
serves up a portion
of humour
i love that i can go do my groceries
and know that i'll be offered
a chuckle along the way
Thursday, July 14, 2011
jour 183::365
life in the nation's capital
where even an ordinary walk
from the dentist to the office
can become a moment of ceremony & remembrance
changing the guard
at the tomb of the unknown soldier
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
jour 182::365
a pretty new dress
and a favourite pair of shoes
make it easier
to put
one foot in front of the other
jour 181::365
a desperate attempt
to find some beauty
in my home
at 10:30pm
on my way to bed
some days
the 365 photo opportunities
are not so much opportunities
as forced solutions
Monday, July 11, 2011
jour 178::365 - July 1, 2011
(sooc - added frame & sig)
what can i say?
it was an unforgettable day...
this shot was well worth
the six and a half hour wait
on parliament hill
and with a nod of gratitude to hubby
who drove me there at 5:30am
on his day off
jour 177::365
an overcast return to ottawa
with a landing only slightly delayed
to allow for the arrival
of the duke and duchess of cambridge
jour 176::365
a long overdue visit
with my cousin sylvia
touring her beautiful new home
and sharing a summer fresh dessert
yes sylvia
you made photo of the day!
jour 172::365
my papa's workshop
everything has its place
everything is as it should be
i think i'll be putting him to work
next time he comes to visit
jour 171::365
where the heart lives
and the lungs breathe in
the sweet & salty air
of new brunswick
Saturday, July 2, 2011
jour 169::365
a work-related event
at the government conference centre
(the former ottawa train station)
gave me the opportunity
to spot this
fantastic window
jour 168::365
go-vegan nutritional cleanse
day nine
steamed veggies w/tahini lemon sauce
on jasmine rice
jour 166::365
go-vegan cleanse day seven
the richest chocolate pudding i've ever tasted
chocolate of the gods