a moment of attention. a moment of intention. one day at a time.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

jour 246::365

jour 246::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

my new favourite statue in the city
oscar peterson sits at his piano
on a busy intersection near the national arts centre
and if you take a moment to stop & listen
you can actually hear him play

jour 245::365

jour 245::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

geometry seems to follow us
wherever we may go

jour 244::365

jour 244::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

any way you say it
it always tastes the same
pure summer goodness

jour 243::365

jour 243::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

it is better to light a candle
than curse the darkness
- eleanor roosevelt

jour 242::365

jour 242::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

most times
the learning is not found in the finish
but rather on the journey

waiting for a friend to finish a tough race
turned into an inspirational lesson
on perseverance and friendship

jour 241::365

jour 241::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

just one of the pieces
from my dad's vintage camera collection
the majority of which
sits in a box in my guest room

anyone know if i can still get film for this?

jour 240::365 - Sept. 1, 2011

jour 240::365 - Sept. 1, 2011, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

another late night opportunity
to feature some home-based delights

these thrift store finds are so exquisite
and the artist remains

Monday, September 12, 2011

jour 239::365

jour 239::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

good company
good food
good conversation
and drink-spitting laughter

my life is richer
because of these
self-proclaimed "mad chatters"

jour 238::365

jour 238::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

young spirits
determined to catch the last rays of sunlight
and of summer

(westboro beach)

jour 237::365

jour 237::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

hanging on my wall

a gift offered
in love
for a service rendered
out of love

that's the circle of gratitude

jour 236::365

jour 236::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

and just like that - the day was gone
need i say more?

jour 235::365

jour 235::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

and the mighty river plunges over the cliffs
giving us the second largest falls on the globe

and yet

even the mightiest and greatest of things
can be made smaller
when we change our perspective

jour 234::365

jour 234::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

the perfection
of our manhattan home-away-from-home
can be described in three words:

jour 233::365

jour 233::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

picked up my one-way tickets to heaven
guaranteeing a return trip to nyc in november

and yes, jason
you. are. loved.

jour 232::365

jour 232::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

c'est moi
le nerd
standing in one of the snazziest ladies' rooms
i'd ever seen

hello radio city music hall

jour 231::365

jour 231::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

a visit to coney island
on a warm august day
was well worth the effort

Sunday, September 11, 2011

jour 230::365(b)

jour 230::365(b), originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

...and new york
by the afternoon

jour 230::365(a)

jour 230::365(a), originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

in the morning

jour 229::365

jour 229::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

restroom wisdom
at sneaky dee's
at college & bathurst (toronto, on)

jour 228::365

jour 228::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

caught in the act

you never know
what you'll find
in your local consignment shop

it's not always
about the clothes

jour 227::365

jour 227::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

some people
just need to break
all the rules

jour 226::365

jour 226::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

some days just get

this is the dropped stitch
in my 365 tapestry

jour 225::365

jour 225::365, originally uploaded by jag@lwh.

amidst the abundance
my gratitude